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The production of soybean in South America is expected to reach 175 million tons in 2016/2017, growing 5% in comparison to last season. Brazil and Argentina will produce 103 MT and 57 MT, respectively. Together, these countries hold 91% of total soybean in the continent. The planted area in Brazil has achieved 77% of total forecasted as 33.9 Mha while in Argentina it is near 20% of 19.6 Mha estimated. Fabien Achard, (Agrauxine market developer in Argentina) said that the sowing period is delayed due to an excess of rain in some regions. Soybean germination and sanity will be a key point for argentine farmers because of low quality seeds from last campaign.
Bruno Mendonça (Agrauxine market developer in Brazil) said that Brazilian corn production could reach 84.6 MT in two seeding seasons: 1/3 of the harvest after the summer season and 2/3 after the winter season. The surface of summer season is forecasted as 5.73 Mha and in main states 90% of it was sowed. In Argentina, the area is forecasted as 5.84 Mha, having 35% of total already sowed and production estimated as 36 MT, 20% more than last season as taxes are lower this year.