Category :Corporate News
During 2017-2018, the Agrauxine local team in association with our distributor Alianza Nutrientes has done several Field Days in order to promote the use of our biostimulant Smartfoil for foliar application on crops such as soybean, maize and wheat.
We invited several distributors and producers in areas where Agrauxine team has run trials in Macro-plots in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the biostimulant Smartfoil in comparison with an untreated control plot and a commercial reference.
During the day, biostimulant technology was introduced to visitors before explaining in detail the mode of action of the biostimulant Smartfoil and finally giving recommendations of uses on different crops.
Afterward, the contractor presented the trials carried out in order to share with the participants (distributors and producers) data related to the trial (sowing, application of products, climatic data, etc.).
Lastly, the visitors could do a sampling in order to evaluate the differences between the control treatment and the biostimulant Smartfoil, counting for example the number of soybean pods.