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  • Argentina : leveraging Lesaffre’s industrial expertise and investing to secure the worldwide expansion of Smartfoil

Categories : Biostimulation, Corporate News

Argentina : leveraging Lesaffre’s industrial expertise and investing to secure the worldwide expansion of Smartfoil

Focus on the industrial investments done last year by Lesaffre in Argentina to face the growing demand over the world for the biostimulant Smartfoil from Agrauxine by Lesaffre.

A bit of history

The factory of SAF Argentina, located 50 km south of the city of Buenos Aires, was implemented by Lesaffre in 1994.

This factory is specialized in the production of different forms of yeast and since 2010, in the production of Smartfoil, our unique yeast fermentation metabolite-based biostimulant.


Smartfoil, an efficient tool to secure yields in a climate change context

In a context where climatic hazards are each year more numerous, yields crop are consequently impacted heavily. For many years now, our biostimulant Smartfoil has proved its capacity to limit the impact of abiotic stresses on the culturessecuring the yields at critical periods like flowering.

Commercialized nowadays in 32 countries and applied in 2021 on 1.5 million hectares worldwide, its effectiveness has been highlighted to maintain crop yields. Therefore, Smartfoil has been facing a growing demand over the years.

Investing to secure the international development of Smartfoil

To satisfy this growing demand and to secure the international development of Smartfoil, Lesaffre built in 2021 a new packaging workshop inside the factory of SAF Argentina.

Thanks to this new packaging workshop, the capacity of packing, palettization but also storage has considerably increased.

Our objective is to foster Smartfoil development in many countries by delivering a qualitative and effective product thanks to our industrial expertise and to contribute to a more sustainable production while maintaining yields.


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